Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Week in review (6/6/08

Things that made me happy on gh this week..
1. It was good to see Nicholas again. He is one of my faves and has had too little air time lately.
2. I like that Elizabeth is finally giving Sam a break. I know she has done alot of bad things but she is trying to do better .
3. No one got shot this week or put in a coma.
Things I that made me angry this week...
1. Lulu- what a hypocrite she is, she is sleeping with Johnny the mob guy, but does not want Claudia the mob lady to even be friends with her brother.... She is getting more like Carly everyday.
2. I still feel bad for Sonny- I do not think he should have been made to give up his kids. we will catch up with more next week


Reigning Frog said...

I am 3.5 weeks behind on GH, but I will look forward to reading you blog when I catch up!

shelley said...

Thanks for the comment and I will be reading your blog too and looking forward to more pictures of Lucy....